Monday, July 18, 2022

Nothing New Under The Sun

How many times have I have seen a liberal politician with an agenda say something like Adam Schiff did recently as he was pushing the climate change agenda?

Schiff is clearly unhappy that Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is not willing to sign on to the radical "Green" agenda of the House Democrats.

Time is always running out.

If we don't act soon, we are all doomed.

Does anyone remember this statement from Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez in 2019 that had the same message?


How about Al Gore's statement in 2006 "that unless drastic measures were taken within the next ten years the world would reach a point of no return?

Or this claim in 1989 by a senior United Nations environmental scientist that entire nations would be wiped off the face of the earth by the year 2000 if climate change was left unchecked?

Not reversed by the year 2000? That was 22 years ago.

It seems that the same claim has been made over and over again the last 35 years.

We always only have a narrow period of 10,11 or 12 years to act or we are doomed.

Never mind if none of the predictions ever come true,

It does not stop the next politician from making a similar claim.

Of course, the mainstream media plays off of this narrative and that is why any heat wave is now referred to as "unprecedented".

Witness the headlines about the recent heat wave in the U.K.


Temperatures were predicted to reach 100 degrees F this past weekend.

It is "unprecedented".


I guess it is "unprecedented" if you ignore the 100 degrees that hit London in 1911.


Or the fact that a similar heat wave engulfed the UK and Europe in 2003 that had Pope John Paul II urging people to pray for rain.


Is there "anything new under the sun"?

This quote from a news article in The  Morning Oregonian from 1906 suggests there is not.

“Whenever an unusually hot season is upon us, sweltering humanity talks about the changes in climate and shakes its head in a foreboding fashion.”


Isn't it incredible that a newspaper in Oregon in 1906 could so accurately predict what Al Gore would say in 2006 and Adam Schiff in 2022?

There truly is nothing new under the sun.

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