Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Deconstructing the Social Construct

We live in a world today in which we are told that gender is a social construct. It is not fixed and it is not determined by neurology or biology. It is fluid and the norms, behaviors and roles that are evident with genders are the result of societal expectations and standards.

Let's look at some data and test that argument.

Look at this comparison on various measures between 100 Girls/Women and the corresponding number relating to Boys/Men.

A few are undoubtedly due in part to social constructs.

The fact that 4,102 men died in combat in Iraq/Afghanistan for every 100 women is related to the societal norm that men serve in many more military combat roles than women.  However, it is also strongly related to the fact that men are GENERALLY stronger, faster and more aggressive than women.

The same can generally be said for the 1,058 men who die on the job for every 100 women. Men are generally represented to a greater degree in jobs involving heavy labor that involve more risk. 


Is it a social construct that 145 boys repeat kindergarten for every 100 girls?

Might it be that the male brain develops later than the female brain?

Is it a societal expectation that 223 boys are expelled from school for every 100 girls?

Could it be that males do not develop the same emotional intelligence that females do at an early age?

Is it a social construct that 1,345 males are incarcerated in state and federal prisons for every 100 females?

The fact that males generally exhibit more aggressive and risky behaviors than females (especially at younger ages) is undoubtedly at play here rater than any social construct.

What you are seeing with most of the differences above are not due to social constructs but hard wiring in the biology, neurology and DNA of males and females.

To deny the biology and science underlying gender differences has reached the point that woke liberals are not even willing to define "woman" lest they be pilloried by the progressive left.

That includes a Supreme Court justice who refused to offer a definition in her confirmation hearing earlier this year.

Looking at the numbers in the chart above it would appear the females have a significant advantage in intelligence.

If you look at the college graduation statistics in the United States you would tend to believe that females have more brain power on their side.

For example, since 1982, females have earned 13.7 million more college degrees than males. 

This has now led to the fact that there are more women than men in faculty positions at postsecondary institutions in the United States.  35 years ago there were twice as many men in faculty positions as women.


However, most studies of IQ tests show that there is little difference in the average IQ between men and women.

The differences in academic performance in primary, secondary and higher education seems to have more to do with the fact the males mature emotionally, mentally and physically later than females.

When I looked into the question of male/female intelligence earlier this year I found that while the average IQ of men and women is about the same, there is a significant difference in the distribution of intelligence.

Female intelligence is clustered around the mean. However, male intelligence varies greatly across the spectrum. 

This graphic shows the different bell curves comparing men and women regarding IQ distribution.

Women are grouped very tightly around the mean. Men have far fewer around the mean with many more well below and well above average.

Walter Block in an article "The Truth About Gender IQ Differences" had this observation about a possible reason for why the distribution of IQ might be this way.

Differences such as these are often chalked up to cultural sexism, but the reality is that such imbalance is most likely biological. It is almost as if men are nature’s crapshoot, while women are assigned the role of insurance. Consider the biological role of women to give birth, and what it would have done to the population throughout history if the grouping of women around the mean were reversed. The population would be in trouble. More women at the extreme low end of the IQ curve would mean more that are not capable of bringing up the next generation. They would have been too busy occupying the mental institutions, jails, or living homeless on the street. More genius women on the extreme high end of the IQ would mean more drawn into demanding professions and less available for motherhood.

This is undoubtedly not a popular opinion to voice in today's world.

However, take another look at the graphic above.

That graph is not the product of someone's imagination. Those are FACTS. 

It is not a social construct. 

The logic of what Block says about the differences in men and women also makes a lot of sense when viewed viewed logically.

Men are nature's crapshoot.

Woman are nature's insurance.

What kind of world would we live in if it were the women who were hard wired to be aggressive risk takers who would have a much greater chance of ending up in prison, occupying the prisons, being homeless or dying young?

I am sure that there have been societies in the past in which women were assigned the role of hunters and were charged with defending the homestead whereas men kept the home fires burning.

However, those societies seem to not have survived.

I wonder why?

Nature, neurology and biology are there to protect us and the future of humanity.

What sense does it make to deny it? 

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