Monday, August 12, 2024

Weird Tim Walz

Until he was picked by Kamala Harris to be her Vice Presidential running mate I did not know much about Tim Walz. 

I knew that he recently had become popular with Democrats for calling J.D. Vance and Donald Trump  "weird" that they immediately tried to create a new narrative to run on with the mainstream media.

I also knew that Walz was the Governor of Minnesota during the Black Lives Matter protests.

I found it difficult to believe that any Governor would stand by and allow two major cities in his state to be ransacked, looted and burned and a police precinct taken over and put on fire and do nothing for a couple of days.

There is not a better description of anarchy than what transpired in Minnesota under Governor Tim Walz,

Here is a clip of Gwen Walz, the wife of the Governor, stating that she kept the windows open in their house so she could smell the burning tires because it was such a "touchstone moment".



Since Walz has been announced as the VP pick for Harris we have also heard plenty about his military record.

Walz was originally recruited to run for Congress by the Democrat party in Minnesota because of his 24 year career in the National Guard.

Walz has often referred to his military service in order to promote his political career.

It seems that Walz has been prone to go overboard in playing up his military record.

He has been accused of "Stolen Valor" trying to portray that he was a war veteran when the closest he ever got to action was helping with security at a base in Italy that provided air support to Afghanistan in 2004.

He even used a line in his speeches in the past arguing that people had no business owning the same weapons he "carried in war".

Even worse, he is accused by fellow National Guard members of suddenly retiring when his unit was given notice that they would be deployed to Iraq in 2005.


It is true that since Walz had 20 years of service he was eligible to retire.

However, he had recently been promoted to the rank of Command Master Sergeant that required that he re-enlist for an additional two years (until 2007). He signed a document agreeing to the extension of his enlistment.

Walz did not fulfill that re-enlistment requirement nor did he attend a CMS school that was required because he retired instead.

As a result, Walz was demoted and retired with the rank of Master Sergeant.

However, for years Walz has claimed he retired as a Command Master Sergeant when he did not.

The Harris campaign is now saying that Walz "misspoke" about his past military career.

Has Walz been misspeaking for most of the last 20 years whenever he spoke of his military service?


Even weirder is Walz disparaging the National Guard in which he served for 24 years as he tried to explain why he had dragged his feet in not calling in the troops to deal with the riots in Minneapolis as requested by the Mayor.

His explanation was that the National Guard is nothing more than a bunch of 19 year old cooks. They are not massively trained troops that could be counted on to deal with the unrest in Minneapolis according to Walz.


It does not get much weirder than when you demean the military branch in which you were supposedly one of the top enlisted leaders.

At the same time, Walz has spent a lot of time diminishing J.D. Vance at every chance he gets.

Is Walz insecure about himself?

Why would that be?

After all, Walz was a Social Studies teacher after graduating from Chadron State and got a master's degree from Mankato State in educational leadership. Vance only graduated summa cum laude from Ohio State and received a law degree from Yale University where he was also an editor of the law review.

Vance was a U.S. Marine and served a tour in Iraq in 2005. Ironically, if Walz had stayed with his National Guard unit when they deployed to Iraq, Vance and Walz night have crossed paths over there.


To put a finer point on all of this, consider this statement by Tim Walz's battalion commander in the National Guard about what he thinks about all of this.


Add to all of this the fact that Walz has some very weird connections to Communist China.

He spent a year teaching English in Communist China in 1989 and returned to China 30 times over the years leading students to that country. The trips were apparently funded by the Chinese government.

He got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in which 10,000 Chinese citizens were killed by government forces. He stated he chose the date because he always wanted to be able to remember it. It is unclear which side he is taking there--the ChiComs or the protestors.

He honeymooned in China (recall that Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union) while on one of his student trips.


Weird. Weird. Weird.

As Governor, Walz has also signed a bill providing free menstrual products that are placed in both girls and boys restrooms in public schools in the state for all 4th-12th grade "menstruating students". An amendment to limit the products for placement in girls and gender neutral restrooms failed. This has led to some to refer to Walz as "Tampon Tim".

Walz also signed a bill making Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes.


Newly minted vice presidential candidate Tim Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that made his state a sanctuary for child sex-changes, promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in defiance of states that restrict them.

Dubbed the Trans Refuge Bill by supporters, the law grants legal protection to children who travel to Minnesota for so-called gender affirming care, including puberty blockers, reconstructive genital surgery, and hormone therapy, as well as the medical practitioners who provide it.

For example, this law would allow Minnesota to defy a court order from another state to return a child to their parents who oppose the gender affirming care and allow the state to assume temporary custody of the child.


Tim Walz is also a huge fan of radical, far left squad member Ilhan Omar.

When Walz is down he says that just thinking about Omar being in Congress brightens his day.


This is the thinking of a guy who is supposed to appeal to the regular people of the Rust Belt?


From a political calculus perspective, I am at a loss trying to understand why Kamala Harris selected Walz to be her running mate.

Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania made the most sense being from a critical swing state. I guess the fact that he is Jewish was disqualifying in the Democrat party today.

Mark Kelly from Arizona also made sense. A former astronaut who also has a reputation of being more of a centrist from another swing state.

In fact, Kelly's voting record is about as far right as you can get for a Democrat in the U.S. Senate.


I guess that was also disqualifying.

This leads me to believe that the primary reason that Kamala Harris chose Walz was for ideological reasons.

Kamala and Harris are true comrades in arms in a commitment to a radical, far left agenda.

What is most disconcerting in all of this is that both Harris/Walz are working so hard to hide who they really are from the voters.

It is all an act.

They are both playing roles as if in a movie.

Walz is the high school teacher, coach and war veteran that can relate to the people of the Rust Belt.

Kamala Harris is busy telling everyone that she knows how to bring grocery and gas prices down, make housing affordable, solve the border crisis and fix all of America's other problems.

Never mind the fact that Kamala sat at Biden's right hand for four years. If she had all the answers why didn't she do something about it already?

Why do they have to hide who they really are? Why do they have to obscure their true agenda?

Harris/Walz still do not have one policy position or their agenda for the country on their website and we are less than 90 days from the election. 


Speaking of acts and movies, there is one more weird thing about Tim Walz.

He is actually younger than Brad Pitt.

                           Brad Pitt born December 18, 1963          Tim Walz born April 6, 1964.                                         

If all of this is an act I think Kamala could have done a better job of casting here.

However, I think we know the reason why this is an act, don't we?

It is intended solely to obfuscate the real intentions attitudes of Harris/Walz and confuse the voters.

Donald Trump may have his flaws. Some may not like what he says or how he says it.

However, Trump is authentic. He will not say one thing and govern another way.

What you see is what you get.

He has already proven that.

That is not the case with Harris or Walz.

Why would American voters want to gamble their future on an act? 

And a weird one at that.

That would be REALLY weird.


  1. His gender sanctuary state stuff is evil. Beyond any political issues, mutilating a minor and ignoring parents wishes has no place in a civilized society. This fact alone disqualifies the dem ticket.

  2. 100% agree. What we are witnessing is best described as a sewage treatment plant; taking raw sewage, running it through the DNC and media filters and out comes potable water.
