Saturday, June 30, 2012

I Need Your Help. The Country Needs Your Help.

Today marks 18 months since I started writing BeeLine.  This is also the 253rd blog post I have written since I began.  I sincerely appreciate all of the kinds words and the encouragement I have received from many of you.

Unfortunately, there are just not enough of you.  Readership is steady but it is not growing.  I need your help in spreading the word.  Please consider recommending BeeLine to your friends if you see a post that you like.  Chances are someone else will also.  I definitely see an increase in volume when one of you links BeeLine on Facebook or in other forms of social media.  It does make a difference.

I know in talking to a lot of you that you forget to check BeeLine from time to time.  You are busy and there is too much to do, too much to read and too much to keep up with.  I fully understand.

An easy way to solve that problem is to subscribe to BeeLine by email.  It is easy to do by going to the "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" box in the upper right hand corner and entering your email address.  Whenever I publish a new post you will receive it right in your email box.

You can also follow BeeLine through Google Connect that will also let you connect through Twitter or Yahoo.  You can set that notification up in the "FOLLOWERS" section that is also in the upper right hand corner.

I want to test the power of BeeLine followers so tomorrow I am going to re-post my favorite BeeLine post of the last year and a half, "Improper and Wicked Projects".   Many new readers of BeeLine may not have seen this post from last August.   There are many, many more Americans that should read it   to better understand our founding principles and how far off track we have gotten in this country.  Please consider passing this post along to others that you believe might enjoy or benefit from it.

I consider myself a pretty good student of history.  I must admit that I never had read Federalist Paper #10 before reading it last year.   After reading it, I now have a true appreciation of the genius of our Founders and their wisdom in crafting our Constitution.   I was truly awestruck when I came across the passage on "Improper and Wicked Projects".  It was almost as if James Madison was alive today and writing about what is happening right now in our country.

If there is one thing that I have learned in all the reading and research that I have done in writing BeeLine is that we invite peril when we ignore our Constitution.  It has allowed us to enjoy the longest period of governmental stability in the world.   We invite problems when we try to expand it, extend it, extrapolate from it or excuse it.

As much as we want to think that we have evolved as People, when reading Federalist #10 we can see we have not changed one iota.  Our Founders understood our flaws, fallibilities and failings.  Even more importantly, they understood that combining these human weaknesses with someone who wielded the power of government was particularly dangerous.

Our Constitution was intended to provide the protections for us to survive the "bad actors" and the "bad times".  Our Founders could not prevent them from taking office but they designed a system to limit their individual power through checks and balances

Our three branches of government and the balance of powers among them are supposed to be our primary defense against tyrants and villains.  However, the final power in our Republic is the vote of the People.  That is the last wall of defense.

Our Founding Fathers did all they could to protect us in writing the Constitution.  Most importantly, they gave the People the power to have the government they want over the long term.  It might not always work the way the People want for two year, four year, or even six year periods at a time, due to the election cycles.  However, the People can have a major impact within two years, a significant impact within four years and almost total impact within six years (those lifetime appointments to the Judiciary can continue to upset things for a long time) on what type of government they will receive.

Therefore, the bottom line is that our Constitution gives the People the power to control their own destiny like no other country in the history of mankind.  The question that will be answered this year is what kind of country do we want in the future?

One of my favorite quotes is from Benjamin Franklin right after the Constitutional Convention had ended where the deliberations had been conducted in secret and no one really knew what the Founders had created.

Outside Independence Hall when
the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded,"A republic, if you can keep it."
Keep this in mind while reading "Improper and Wicked Projects" tomorrow and send it to others.  Many people simply do not have a solid foundation of facts.  Since I began writing BeeLine my primary objective has been to give you solid content and context first and let my opinions follow the facts.  This post stands out from any I have written in giving me facts that I never expected about the thinking behind our Constitution and its relevance to today.  More need to understand and recognize the "Improper and Wicked Projects" that are among us.

I need your help.  More importantly, your country needs your help.

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