Friday, May 10, 2024

Rewriting History

The last few years have seen us told time and time again what is supposed to be the truth and what we are supposed to believe.

That was especially true with Covid.

The headlines this week are revealing that what we were told on a number of issues appears to have been anything but the truth.

Origins of Covid

For example, a Congressional committee disclosed this week that it was in possession of a document from 2020 in which the State Department suggests that Covid resulted from a leak at the Wuhan, China lab and that the Communist Chinese party was actively involved in covering up and obstructing an investigation of the origins of the virus.


How many times did Tony Fauci and other government officials state that Covid most likely had a natural origin?


Rewriting history?

Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccine Pulled From Market

We also saw the headline this week that Astra Zeneca had pulled its Covid vaccine worldwide after admitting that it could cause life threatening blood clots.


This was the headline in December, 2020 as the Oxford produced AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was being introduced in the U.K.


You may recall that distribution of the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine was suspended in 2023 for similar concerns about blood clots.

Could we eventually see the same in the future regarding the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines?

Rewriting history?

The Cuomo Covid Double Team

The Cuomo brothers---former New York Governor Andrew and media star were also rewriting history this week.

Former Governor Cuomo who enforced some of the strictest and longest-lasting Covid lockdowns and mandates now says it was all voluntary. He did not have enforcement power for any of it.


Since when is an "order" voluntary?


Meanwhile Chris Cuomo was on MSNBC most of the pandemic promoting the vaccine, criticizing those who did not want to get vaccinated and joined the chorus of other media types denigrating ivermectin.

Chris Cuomo now says that he has Long Covid (or is it an adverse reaction to the vaccine?) and is having good results taking ivermectin to treat it.


Rewriting history?

Let it be remembered that on all of these topics involving Covid there were those who challenged the government narrative and were either censored or called out for spreading misinformation.

It seems that there are a lot of people today who are trying to rewrite history in order for all of that to be forgotten,

Click here for a 3 minute compilation of how Covid history is being rewritten.

It would be humorous if it were not so troubling.


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