Add to all of this the fact that Fauci and the NIH had been funding the gain of function research at Wuhan but had purposely not sent the funding request for the required exception to a gain of function ban had been put in place.
Do you understand now why Dr. Fauci is not going to reject the pardon that he is free to do so if he believes he has done nothing wrong?
One of the funniest memes I saw on X yesterday was this one from Alex Berenson.
Why did the NIH ever get involved with EcoHealth Alliance in the first place?
Under President Obama, gain of function research had been stopped in the United States in 2013 because it was deemed too dangerous.
Is it just a coincidence that the first grant to EcoHealth Alliance was done in 2014? (see grant above).
Gain of function (GOF) research involves taking a natural virus and manipulating it in the lab to make it more deadly to humans.
The argument in doing GOF research is to supposedly be prepared if a virus naturally evolves and causes a pandemic.
Of course, that work can also involve bioweapons research.
It appears that Fauci and others at NIH became frustrated with the U.S. ban on GOF research in the United States and decided to outsource the work to EcoHealth Alliance.
Every clue about the origins of Covid points at Dr. Fauci and the gain of function research that he sponsored. However, we will never know the full story until Fauci and others are held to account.
The unfortunate conclusion from all of this is that it is likely Covid would never have occurred but for the gain of function research that was first started in the United States on bat coronaviruses, the grant funding to EcoHealth Alliance by NIH and the outsourcing of that work to the Wuhan lab.
And whose fingerprints seemed to be on almost everything to deal with Covid from beginning to end?
Dr. Tony Fauci.
It might have been one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever perpetrated.
However, five years later we still don't know the real truth.
Was Tony Fauci more concerned with covering up his involvement in the origins of Covid than he was in providing the best public health recommendations to President Trump and the American people?
The pardons that Joe Biden gave and the pardon that Fauci received may be constitutional.
However, what has been done is unforgivable.
If you would like more background on all of the connections involved here I suggest you read my blog post "Truth and Lies" that I published a year ago on the origins of Covid and Fauci's attempts to cover up his involvement and that of the NIH.
It was the most viewed and forwarded of any blog post I wrote last year.
Truth and Lies (originally published January 26, 2024)
Exactly four years ago today I wrote a blog post about a mysterious and deadly virus that had gripped the Chinese city of Wuhan.
At that point, only five cases of the virus that would eventually be named Covid-19, had been identified in the United States.
It would be the first of almost 200 blog posts I would write about Covid over the next several years.
When I wrote that initial blog post it was suggested that the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan in which bats and other unauthorized animals had been sold.
However, even at that early date in January, 2020, I reported that I was troubled that the outbreak could very possibly be traced to a Chinese biolab in Wuhan that was known to be studying the highest risk pathogens in the world.
More troubling are reports that this virus may have escaped from a Chinese biolab that is located in Wuhan and was involved in studying the highest risk pathogens in the world.
U.S. scientists were worried about the risks that pathogens like this could escape from facilities like this one as evidenced by this article in The Scientist back in 2015.
As a result, the United States ceased funding any of this "gain-of-function" research back in 2013 because it determined the risk of creating a pandemic was much greater than any information gained from the research.
It is worthwhile to note that at that time this decision was made there was research being done in the U.S. on an engineered coronavirus. Note as well where the surface protein came for that virus.
Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of to one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.
Little did I know that at the same time that I was writing that blog post in late January, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci was desperately working behind the scenes to steer any suspicions away from the lab leak theory as well as cover up his involvement in the funding of gain of function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab.
The full truth of what went on with the origins of Covid and the subsequent illogical response by the public health establishment is coming into better focus with each succeeding day.
Senator Rand Paul in his book Deception does a great job in detailing what appears to be a coverup perpetrated by Dr. Fauci and others involving Covid.
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Dr. Paul drew much of the material for his book from emails obtained under FOIA requests involving Fauci and others at the National Institute of Health and other government agencies.
What is particularly revealing in those emails was the time and effort Fauci spent at the end of January, 2020 working to discredit the lab leak theory both within the public health community and with the media.
A few excerpts from Deception.
Fauci's efforts at working to discredit the lab leak theory reached a fever pitch on January 31, 2020.
Based on the emails, it appears that Fauci did not sleep that night.
He had to be living in mortal fear knowing the hand he had in all of this.
Why else would he be emailing and phoning people in the wee hours of the morning on that day?
Is that something that would be normal for someone who should not be particularly concerned with the origins of the virus but should be focused on how to protect the American public from it?
For example, Fauci sent an email to his second in command at 12;29 am that morning that included a paper on the gain of function work that had been going on at the Wuhan lab. Fauci told him that it was "essential we speak this morning. Keep your cell this will have tasks today that must be done".
At 3:00 am Fauci sent another email out to the individual in government whose duties included chairing the committee that was supposed to screen all gain of function funding requests and disapprove any that were considered too dangerous. He sent along an article suggesting the virus was natural in origin
The problem for Fauci and the NIH was they had been funding the gain of function research at Wuhan but had purposely not sent the funding request for the required exception to the gain of function ban that was in place.
All of this explains a lot of what followed.
Fauci and the NIH were living in fear of it being found out they were funding the work on the coronaviruses at Wuhan.
They also knew that the purpose of the work was to create a virus that was more contagious and deadly than was currently in place in nature.
Knowing all of this, it undoubtedly caused Fauci and the NIH to overreact and recommend the draconian response to the virus they did knowing that it was totally at odds with established protocols in dealing with a pandemic.
Fear and guilt had to be enormous motivating factors in what Fauci and his brethren did next.
They could not leave any stone unturned in the Covid response knowing what they appeared to have unleashed.
What would the response be if the truth came out and Fauci had not gone all out in the response in order to stop the virus?
As I wrote in that first blog post, the science was clear on what the public health response should be.
The most effective way to stop an outbreak of a virus such as this one is to aggressively isolate and quarantine those that are ill so as to not infect other people. They need to be identified, treated aggressively by medical professionals, and isolated.
What did Fauci and his public health officials do instead?
They shutdown the economy and schools and quarantined and isolated the healthy. That was completely counter to over 100 years of hard learned pandemic guidelines.
You see how absurd it all was in a recent interview of Francis Collins (Fauci's former boss at NIH) in which he admitted "mistakes were made"
“If you're a public health person, and you're trying to make a decision, you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life. doesn't matter what else happens, so you attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving a life. you attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people's lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never might quite recover from. this is a public health mindset… and that was really unfortunate, it's another mistake we made."
This is how a public health person is supposed to think?
You attach infinite value in saving one life but zero value on what you are doing as a result to millions and millions of others that totally disrupts their lives, ruins the economy and keeps kids out of school such they may never recover from it?
I thought their responsibility was PUBLIC HEALTH? Does that not include a broad view of all elements of health in a society--physical, mental and economic?
If you are in public health how do you totally disregard the lives of 100's of millions of people, the economy, business owners, schoolchildren and the damage your policies are causing to focus on the narrow view of single lives balanced against the needs and future of society?
That is especially true in that early in the pandemic it was clear that there was minimal risk to most everyone under the age of 70. These were individuals for which it was easiest to isolate and protect.
I questioned what was being done in April, 2020 at the height of the lockdowns in a blog post "Two-Faced Fauci". Little did I know how accurate I was in describing Fauci at that early juncture in the pandemic.
I also have a hard time in understanding how Dr. Fauci can stand up at those press conferences and say that his sole focus is on health recommendations to the President. He is being charged with overseeing the public health of the United States. Yes, that includes the nation's short term response to the virus. However, how do public health concerns also not extend to the longer term implications of the economic shutdown. He says he is not an economist. In my view, it is not enough for him to say that it is not his concern. There is a public health component in that as well that he should be considering and weighing in his recommendations.
We also have the recent testimony of Fauci that the six feet recommendation on social distancing was totally made up as there was no scientific basis for it at all.
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More and more studies have also confirmed that face mask mandates were not effective tools to protect against the virus. I cited research (read "Unmasking Masks" that I wrote in July, 2020) about the limitations of masking at the beginning of the pandemic. However, Fauci and others totally disregarded the science. They wanted to make sure it looked they were doing something to protect the public.
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Dr. Deborah Birx wrote in her book that "15 days to slow the spread " was just the term they used to convince Trump to approve the initial lockdown. They all knew that it was just the start and they wanted to lockdown much longer.
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Of course, I am not even touching on the experimental Covid vaccines, the vaccine mandates that followed and all the lies surrounding how safe and effective they would be in preventing the disease and transmission. After all, preventing the disease and its transmission would be the only logical reason to justify a mandate to begin with.
Do you remember, as I do, all of the statements that were made that the vaccines would stop the virus and create a dead end for transmission? We were told it was the only way to end the pandemic.
Fauci made that claim himself in May, 2021 in an appearance on Face the Nation.
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Who were they misleading and lying to?
It wasn't just the American people. They were also lying to the President of the United States.
It should also be remembered that in the early days of the pandemic President Trump stated that he had seen evidence that Covid-19 had originated in that Wuhan lab.
However, every chance Fauci got he contradicted Trump and argued that the origin of the virus was entirely within nature. He consistently stated there was nothing to the theory that the Covid-19 virus came out of work done at the Wuhan lab.
Of course, consider the recent finding of Dr. Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, who has closely examined the chemical and biological makeup of Covid-19 and compared it to the proposal that the EcoHealth Alliance developed and sent to the Wuhan lab that was funded by Fauci and the NIH.
When it came to the media trusting Trump or Fauci on this question you know who they believed.
This CNN article from May, 2020 says it all.
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Now, before we play the game of “he said, he said” remember this: Only one of these two people is a world-renowned infectious disease expert. And it’s not Donald Trump.
In short, Fauci’s view on the origins of the disease matters a whole lot more than Trump’s opinion about where it came from. Especially because, outside of Trump and his immediate inner circle, most people in a position to know are very, very skeptical of the Trump narrative that the virus came out of a lab – whether accidentally or on purpose.
There is truth and there are lies.
Four years later it should be pretty clear where the lies were coming from.
Will Dr. Fauci or anyone else be held accountable for the lies, deceit and malpractice now that four years have passed and the truth is becoming more apparent every day?