Wednesday, May 29, 2024

This and That---May 29, 2024 Edition

A few random observations, charts and factoids to provide some context on what is going on in the world.

Anti-Israel College Protests

Have you noticed that the college protests and encampments against Israel are no longer in the news?

Why is that?

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that most colleges have completed the school year.

Protests are cool as a diversion from classes. They don't seem to be as cool when there are other things to do in the summer. I guess Hamas will have to wait until Fall for more support from the college contingent in the United States.

Speaking of the college protests, I thought the following infographics were interesting which looked at where the Gaza protests were taking place.

The data (compiled by Washington Monthly magazine) shows that it was much more likely to see college protests take place at elite colleges, schools with high tuition and fees, and with students from wealthy families.

For reference, Pell Grants are only awarded to students from low to moderate income families.

Almost all of the anti-Israel encampments were at private universities with high tuition and less than 20% of the students with Pell Grants.


The concentration of protests is not as skewed to high cost, rich students at public universities but notice that there were very few protests at schools in which more than 40% of the students were receiving Pell Grants at either public or private universities.


Why were the protests most prevalent at high cost universities with higher percentages of affluent students?

Is it the teaching these student receive at elite universities?

Is it social contagion?

Is it the fact that students from more modest backgrounds simply do not have the luxury of spending their time protesting when they could be studying or working?

Generational Disconnect

The following survey results are very disconcerting coming in the wake of Memorial Day.

Gen Z does not seem to value much of anything.

That might even include themselves Gen Z  have more mental health struggles than any other generational age cohort.

Doesn't it beg the question as to what exactly those who made the ultimate sacrifice did it for?

Best Places To Live?

Why is it that if only 33% of Gen Z believes that America is the best place to live do so many others want to live in the United States?

The same is true for other Anglosphere countries that we are told are dominated by white supremacy and privilege.

If that is the case, why is it that so many people are fleeing from other countries into these white majority countries and causing large increases in population?


Another disconnect?

Inflation Watch

One of the biggest challenges Joe Biden faces in this year's election is inflation.

He is trying to make the argument that inflation is coming down. 

The rate of inflation might be coming down but price levels are not. It would take actual deflation to do that which would most likely require a deep recession and high employment.

Compare inflation during the Trump years to the Biden years.

Is it any wonder that Trump is looking better and better with each passing day compared to Biden?

It is actually more stunning to see these fast food price increases since 2019.

How about a Big Mac and medium fries?


Biden Approval

The latest Civiqs poll has Biden with only 35% approval from American voters.

He is significantly underwater in every swing state on his approval rating.

In fact, Biden has a positive approval rating in only four states. In three of those, he is barely positive.

Hawaii                         +9
Maryland                     +1
Massachusetts           +3
Vermont                      +1
What is really astounding in the approval numbers is the fact that Biden's net approval with young voters is -34 (27% approve, 61% disapprove).

He is in worse shape with young voters than any other age group by a considerable margin.

Only 27% of age 18-34 voters approve of Biden's performance vs. 43% for those age 65+.

In the past, these young voters would probably be counted on to break at least 60/40 for a Democrat.


My view is that Biden has major problems with three policy issues---Inflation, Illegal Immigration and Israel in addition to being borderline incompetent due to his his age.

Are the Democrats really going to pin their 2024 elections hopes on Biden heading the ticket with polling like this?

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