Friday, April 19, 2024

What In The World Is Going On?

During the Covid pandemic I often went to the web site to obtain the latest world statistics on cases and deaths due to the virus.

I found this site to be the most reliable resource for worldwide statistics on Covid and a number of other subjects. Worldometers has been voted by the American Library Association to be one of best free reference sites for obtaining such data.

Worldometers accumulates data on a variety of topics principally from government and other official sources and in many instances converts it into real-time data using proprietary algorithms. For example, it provides a real-time projection of the worldwide births today by knowing the births last year and the projected trend.

There is a wealth of data available on the Worldometers site.

For example, did you know that there are twice as many overweight people in the world as there are undernourished people?

1.8 billion overweight people compared to 900 million who are undernourished.

How about the length of time that proven reserves of various energy sources will last assuming current usage?

Perhaps there is a reason that China and India are building all of those coal-fired electric generation plants?

Energy use in the world today comparing renewable vs. non-renewable sources.

We have a long way to go if we believe we are going to plug in all of those electric cars and trucks to reduce carbon emissions.

Worldometer announced as of April 13, 2024 it was no longer updating its worldwide Covid data as the majority of countries in the world have now stopped reporting this information.

I thought it was interesting to look back on the charts of worldwide cases and deaths involving Covid from the beginning of the pandemic to April 13. The Worldometer charts are below.

I have added a line to indicate the point that the Covid vaccines were introduced with the promise that they would end the pandemic.

I find it interesting in looking at the data that worldwide deaths spiked rather considerably after the introduction of the vaccines.

Deaths remained elevated after the introduction of the vaccine for most of the next 18 months.

When the Omicron variant emerged in January, 2022 cases exploded but deaths did not follow that trend.

Was this due to the vaccine or the milder Omicron variant?

Did the milder Omicron variant lead to broader-based natural immunity that was the real reason the virus ultimately reached endemic status?

Don't you think that if someone from Mars came to earth today and was shown these graphs and told that a vaccine had been introduced to stop the pandemic they would state that it must have been introduced in late 2022? Two years and many, many boosters later than was actually the case.

All in all, Worldometer reports that there have been just over 7 million worldwide deaths compared to 705 million reported Covid cases over the last four years.


However, the number of Covid cases are clearly massively underreported in that there are over 8 billion people in the world today.

That case total would suggest that less than 10% of the humans on the planets were ever infected by Covid over the last four years.

How many people do you know that did not have at least one bout with Covid?

At the same time, the number of worldwide deaths is undoubtedly exaggerated in that an untold number of these deaths were WITH Covid rather than FROM Covid.

Here is another statistic from the data that is interesting.

The United States reported 1,219,487 deaths from Covid. China, where the pandemic began, reported 5,272. 

That works out to 3,642 deaths per 1 million /population in the United States and 4 per million in China.

A stark lesson that any statistic is only as reliable as the source that is providing it.

In any event, four years later, there is a lot to think about in all that was done in the name of Covid, isn't there?

Of course, 7 million deaths attributed to Covid over the last four years is a sobering number.

However, let's put that in context compared to a couple of other statistics that tracks.

61 million people died globally in 2023.

That means about 245 million people died in the world over the last four years. The Covid death tally was less than 3% of that.

Even more sobering is the citation from the World Health Organization (WHO) data that 73 million induced abortions take place globally each year 


Consider the data I cited above on the number of abortions and the number of deaths globally in a year.

Have you ever heard this?

The number of abortions in the world each year exceeds the number of people worldwide who die from all causes.

To put it into better context, there are seven times more abortions annually than those who die from heart disease and six times more than die from cancer.

During the last four years, there were 42 times as many induced abortions globally than were reported as Covid deaths.

What is a major difference in our perceptions of these issues? In one case we saw a tabulation of deaths every day for the better part of three years. In the other case the actual numbers are never mentioned.

What in the world is going on?

A lot...if you look at the data and pay attention to the conclusions that you can drawn from basic facts.

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