Friday, June 14, 2024

Father of the Year?

The public image of Joe Biden is that he is a decent, compassionate and caring human being.

"Good old Joe".

He is referred to as a wonderful father.

A recent CBS poll shows that Donald Trump's scores with voters were much higher on every attribute to describe the candidates with the exception of "compassionate".


However, is that really true?

Is Joe Biden really a compassionate person and father?

This is a subject I addressed previously in these pages two weeks before the 2020 election and shortly after the Hunter Biden laptop story first appeared.

Of course, the mainstream media and most of social media censored the story as being Russian disinformation. The claim was bolstered by the claims of 51 ex-National Security "experts".

We now know that the laptop was very real. In fact, the FBI was in possession of the laptop and had already verified its authenticity before the 2020 election but remained silent about it. 

In fact, the laptop was just used as primary evidence in the trial that convicted Hunter Biden of lying on a federal gun application in 2018.

Would a compassionate father have run for President in 2020 knowing the addiction and other problems his son was having?

Let's revisit what I wrote on the eve of the 2020 election about Joe and Hunter Biden.

I am sorry to say that most of what I predicted has come true.

Hunter would have never gotten the scrutiny that he has but for Joe Biden running for President.

It got even worse when he was elected. Hunter's issues were put in an even bigger spotlight.

Joe Biden was selfish in running in 2020 considering Hunter's problems.

Joe Biden is just as selfish in 2024 running for re-election considering the nation's problems and his evident weaknesses in mind and body.

Neither of these makes Joe Biden a compassionate and caring person.

Or, in my mind, a candidate for any Father of the Year awards.

Read on and answer the question...

Would you rather have Donald Trump or Joe Biden as your father?


(Excerpted from a blog post written October 21, 2020). Link to original blog post

The narrative about Biden is that he is a decent man. He is dedicated to his family. He cares deeply about you and our country. 

Let's unpack this as we look at the revelations and allegations surrounding what is on his son's laptop.

Is Joe Biden a decent man?

I have great sympathy for some of the personal challenges that Joe Biden has had to go through in his life. He lost his wife and infant daughter in a car accident shortly after his 1972 election to the United States Senate when he was 30 years old.

He was a widower before he was even sworn in with two young sons, Beau and Hunter, who had survived the auto accident.

It could not have been easy.

His older son, Beau, seems to have been selected to carry on his father's political legacy. Beau ran for and was elected Attorney General of Delaware in 2006. Beau announced his intention to run for Governor of Delaware in 2016. Unfortunately, brain cancer would end the young Biden's life in 2015.

In that his father and brother were both involved in politics it appears from what was on Hunter's laptop that keeping the family in money fell to the youngest son. Was Hunter used as the frontman to collect money and take care of his family?

This text message to his daughter Naomi suggests that may be the case.

Text message from Hunter Biden on his laptop to his daughter Naomi

You see something similar in another text message exchange with Naomi who was then a law student at Columbia and was pleading with her father (Hunter) to put emergency cash in her account.

This is from a Fox News story which wrote about the text exchange.

“Can you put 150 in my account it was just declined for lyft to airport sorry sorry sorry,” the now-26-year-old Columbia Law student asked.

“Yes I can but Naomi you ­really have to start to realize that once you are out of school the chances of you living like your father is a billionaire when he’s really given all his money away- is going to be a bit of a shock,” Hunter answered.

“I know I promise ill be much better this year!!!!!!!!!!! Promise,” Naomi wrote back.

You have to ask who exactly did Hunter give all his money away to?

What is clear from these text messages is that Hunter seems to have felt great pressure to produce for the family. That pressure seems to have fostered great resentment in Hunter.  He also clearly believes he is under appreciated.

Perhaps these are the reasons that Hunter descended into the addiction issues he has had.

We still don't know how this is going to play out.

There is a good reason that Joe Biden has put a lid on everything for four days in the home stretch of a Presidential campaign.

Biden is caught in a tough predicament in that he claims he never knew or discussed any of his son's foreign business interests with him. It appears that evidence is there to show that Hunter traded heavily on the Biden name, access and influence in return for the financial deals he got.

Joe needs to come up with an answer. His problem is that he is not completely certain what the questions will be once more of the contents of those emails are disclosed.

Will Joe attempt to throw Hunter under the bus in order to save his candidacy down the stretch? Is the only way out now to continue to claim he knew nothing about it but admit Hunter had possibly profited from his name? Biden might claim he is shocked that  he has discovered about his son but ask people to be sympathetic to him because of his addiction issues. Hunter only did what he did because of his addiction disease that he will now seek more treatment for.

I actually feel sorry for Hunter right now and concerned for him. He knows what is on that hard drive. It must not be easy to sleep or to face his father right now. It cannot be good considering his past troubles.

Is Joe Biden a decent man? I guess the voters will have to decide that for themselves.

However, looking at all of this you have to wonder why a decent man would have run in these circumstances if he were thinking about his son?

This is not going away for Hunter no matter what happens. In fact, the scrutiny and the consequences will be much greater for Hunter if Joe is elected than if he isn't.

Joe Biden knew his son was in a bad place with his addiction issues. He had to know that the millions of dollars that Hunter received for his foreign business deals were suspect even if he did not have his own hand in the till. He had to know what could happen to Hunter if it unraveled?

Decency? Why did Biden run? Was the fame and money worth more than his remaining son?

Think about that as you watch the debate and we see how this story unfolds.

Joe may survive. However, I am genuinely concerned about Hunter.


Of course, we know that Joe Biden did not need to answer any questions about the laptop in those final days of the election because the media censored the story.

It was dismissed as a fake Russian disinformation story.

Joe Biden even stood up at the last Trump-Biden debate and dismissed the entire laptop story as a Russian plant by referencing those "national security experts".

We also know that current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken coordinated getting all of those national security experts to sign on to that letter so that Biden would have cover to deny the laptop was real at the debate.

Joe Biden knew it was all a lie. He knew it was Hunter's laptop. Even worse, the FBI knew the laptop was Hunter's laptop as they had possessed it since 2019 and had already verified its contents.They stayed silent through it all.

USA Today columnist Ingrid Jacques provided a helpful summary of the history of all this last week. 

Looking back on this, what is truly astounding is how long it takes for the truth in many of these situations to be revealed.

It just shows you how powerful the establishment media and political cabal that protects Joe Biden and the Democrats is.

It is also interesting to look back and see the three things that Donald Trump has constantly preached to his children as they were growing up.

Trump reportedly has not ever used any of the three. However, I doubt that less than 1% of the population knows this about him.

No drugs.

No alcohol.

No cigarettes.

He asks many young people he meets on the campaign to repeat a pledge to him that they will avoid or abstain from all three.

You can't start the messaging early enough if you are Trump.

If Joe Biden had given this fatherly advice to Hunter he clearly did not listen.


Of course, let's not forget that Joe Biden, when confronted with many of the things Hunter has been accused of, including lying about his drug use on the gun application he was just convicted for, stated this last year.

“My son has done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him,” 

I guess that is true if you ignore the fact that Hunter was addicted to crack cocaine, he fathered an illegitimate child with a dancer at a D.C. men's club, he was in a legal battle trying to avoid paying the mother child support, used his political connections in D.C. on behalf of foreign principals and never registered this activity as required by law (FARA), lied on a federal gun application and apparently did not pay taxes on millions of dollars of income.

That may only be half of the story.

We may never know the full extent of Hunter's wrongdoings or how he traded on his father's influence.

Or how Joe Biden might have profited from it as well.

Happy Father's Day to all.

Forget about the election.

If you are picking a father, who would more likely put you on the right path and have your best interests at heart?

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