Friday, June 28, 2024

No Way To Spin It

I have watched a lot of debates in my time.

It is customary to have a spin room for comments after the debate so that the supporters of the candidate can spin the narrative of how great their guy or gal was on the stage.

They never fail in spinning something good about the debate performance.

That was not possible last night with Joe Biden.

There was no way to spin it into a positive.

In fact, it was hard to find anyone who was even willing to be in that spin room.

There was no way to spin it.

Even the headlines in the anti-Trump Drudge Report left no doubt.

Biden put on a 90 minute show of why he has no business being President or running for another term.

The Democrat establishment is in full meltdown mode after the debate.

Trump was far from perfect in his performance.

Trump could have benefited from participating in some debates during the primary season.

He missed several opportunities to make points in the debate.

I thought his closing was particularly weak.

However, none of that is going to be remembered due to Biden's disastrous performance.

I wrote this in my pre-debate preview earlier this week.

Biden has a very low bar to clear in this debate due to those expectations.

However, it is hard to imagine anyone who is less prepared to be standing behind a podium for an hour and a half devoid of a teleprompter and note cards than Joe Biden.

Any public speaking appearance he has done in the last three years have been heavily scripted and he has rarely been placed in a situation where he has had to make extemporaneous remarks.

Over most of the past four years Biden has almost never been put in a position where he has had to think on his feet and react to unscripted questions or scrutiny.

He has been protected by his staff to the extent he often tells reporters "they will not allow me to answer questions" pointing to the staff.

Frank Luntz is known for putting together focus groups of undecided voters for debates like this got a comment from one of the participants that sums up the night pretty well.

They suggested how very low that bar was for Biden.

Biden just needed to show up and look alive.

He could not even do that.

What is even more telling in all of this is the following.

Biden picked CNN to host the debate.

He picked the moderators.

He chose the format.

He chose the date.

He spent the last week totally out of public view working exclusively on debate prep at Camp David.

If this is what you get from Biden with all of that planning and preparation what do you get from him when a real national emergency emerges that requires sharp thinking and reasoned decisions in a short time period? 

I would expect that we will see increasing calls from prominent Democrats and media pundits for Biden to   step aside for 2024 in the coming days.

We may even see some calls for invocation of the 25th Amendment for removal of Biden due to Presidential disability.

It will not be easy for Biden to recover from this.

All of this also makes the prediction I made in January, 2023 that I thought there was only a 1% chance that both Biden and Trump would be on the November, 2024 ballot pretty good.

I also believed that there was a greater chance that Biden would not be on the ticket than Trump.

That bet has not looked very good as the 2024 election date got closer and closer.

However, I did not back away from that prediction.

I remained convinced that at some point the Democrats would be forced to push Biden out of the race due to poor polling numbers and/or his mumbling, bumbling performance as President.

The Democrats simply cannot afford to let Biden take the entire party down in 2024.

My prediction looks a lot better right now than it ever did.

We are now less than  90 days away from when early voting will start in some states and less than 130 days until Election Day.

There are now only 52 days until the Democrat convention.

Democrats who have stated for months that Trump is a threat to democracy look like they may have to nominate a candidate without ever garnering one vote in the primaries.

The candidate will be chosen by about 4,000 Democrat party delegates who are currently pledged to support Biden.

Why is this happening? 

It is because Democrats chose to protect Joe Biden and ignore his infirmities and effectively prohibit anyone from challenging him during the primary process.

The Democrats have a. real mess on their hands.

However, it is all self-inflicted.

Sir Walter Scott's words were never more apt than today.

A tangled web.

That is the only way to describe what Biden, his allies and †he Democrat party have foisted on the American people.

There is no other way to spin it.

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