Monday, June 10, 2024

Uncharted Territory

June is Pride Month.

If you have somehow missed properly recognizing it this month don't worry.

There are plenty of other opportunities to recognize the LGBTQ+ community another time as I pointed out in a blog post in April after Joe Biden put out a proclamation recognizing March 31 as the Transgender Day of Visibility.

It seems that he somehow forgot to make a proclamation about Easter falling on the same day this year.

Month of March---Bisexual Health Awareness Month

March 1---Zero Discrimination Day

March 31---Transgender Day of Visibility

April 12---Day of Silence

April 13---International Day of Pink (Opposing Homophobia)

April 26---Lesbian Visibility Day

May 16---Honor Our LGBT Elders Day

May 19--International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

May 19---Agender Pride Day

May 22---Harvey Milk Day

Maty 24---Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

Month of June---Pride Month

June 28---Stonewall Riots Day

June 28---Gay Pride Day

July 6---Omnisexual Visibility Day

July 11-17---Bisexual Awareness Week

July 14---International Non-Binary Day

July 16---International Drag Day

August 14---Gay Uncles Day

September 15-21---Bisexual Awareness Week

September 23---Bisexual Visibility Day

Month of October---LBGT History Month

October 11---National Coming Out Day

October 17-24---Genderfluid Visibility Week

October 19---Spirit Day ((Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)

October 20---International Pronoun Day

October 20-26---Asexual Awareness Week

October 26---Asexual Awareness Day

Month of November---Trans Awareness Month

November 6---Trans Parent Day

November 8---Intersex Solidarity Day

November 13-19---Trans Awareness Week

November 20---Trans Day of Awareness 

December 1---International AIDS Day

December 8---Pansexual Pride Day

One person did a calculation on X that determined that there are 145 calendar days in the year devoted to celebrating LGBTQ+ in some way.

If you wonder how there can be so much attention and visibility given to LGBTQ+ issues these days look no further at what we see from our best and brightest at the nation's colleges and universities.

The best estimate is that about 7% of the U.S. adult population is LGBTQ+.

However, among Gen Z it is reported to be about 20%.

The percentages are even higher at a number of Ivy League schools.

However, at a number of liberal arts colleges the percentage of LGBTQ+ students is even higher.

At Oberlin it is 71%.

It is 69% at Smith and 68% at Wellesley.

This data is from a survey of students conducted by College Pulse/Fire to assess free speech at 254 college campuses in the United States.


The lowest percentages of LGBTQ+ identifying students were at the following colleges.

Liberty University  7%

Hillsdale  9%

Dayton  11%


When you see these numbers you also get a better understanding as to why the Gen Z generation puts such a low value on having children.

To say that we are in uncharted territory is an understatement.

Can the country survive if these attitudes persist?

That seem to a valid question considering the views above from the Z generation.

Can the human race survive?

It will but the survivors may primarily worship Allah.

Muslims put a high value on having children and on their religious beliefs.

Compare global fertility rates by religion.

This is a projection of what the change will be in world religions over the next 25 years by Pew Research.


I am not sure that this projection by Pew took into account the shift in attitudes of the Gen Z generation in the United States and other countries on children.


Notice the number of Jews at the bottom of the charts.

If you think Antisemitism is bad today, we are heading further into uncharted territory there as well.

In the meantime, the LGBTQ+ students at these liberal colleges will presumably continue to support those who would deny them any rights based on their lifestyles. 

How do you square all of this? You can't. 

If these population trends continue they may find that Pride Month ends up being nothing more than a historical footnote.

Uncharted territory indeed.

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